27th and 28th June
Taj Lands End Mumbai


Artificial intelligence will take over the world! Or at least the world’s simpler jobs.

Have you explored the Artificial Intelligence Avenue to build your brand to the top position?

If it is you who is responsible for up scaling your brand and getting it to the top in the business ecosystem then this piece of information gives you all the very reasons to understand the importance of AI-driven marketing.

AI can analyze consumer behavior and search patterns, utilizing data from social media platforms and blog posts to help businesses understand how users and customers find their products and services. For example, Face book messenger bots can help you automate and optimize your customer service.

Businesses adopting AI in 2019 will be able to save costs and accelerate growth, getting an edge over their competitors.

Let us have a Look at how AI can help us build better brand visibility?

Branding today has evolved just so much over having a logo, website or ooh.

Branding today has become one of the core responsibilities of all marketers across all organizations. Artificial intelligence is also changing what it means to be a brand because it brings a whole new definition of human connection.

Let AI Build a Better Company Culture

No Matter how forward you grow in terms of implementing technologies in your organization. The Company's Branding still refers to allot about how is the culture in the company.

Ever thought as to why companies like Face book, Amazon, Nestle, and Google are so well within the consumers reach? Yes, you got it right “Culture.”

Job seekers look forward to getting associated with such companies is because of the work culture they bring.

Creating such an image is extremely important and research says that good culture brings higher productivity.

Well! Well! Well! you would be wondering why all this while I have been giving you this culture lecture and what the hell has it got to do with Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence can help by building a better culture from the start. AI-driven recruiting systems can automate the pre-hiring process by qualifying candidates based on their potential culture fit and credentials. These types of AI-powered recruiting tools screen applications with specialized skill assessments to measure abilities, and level of expertise. These tests can help identify personality traits and talents that will fit into the company culture, providing recruiters with the information they need for better hiring decisions.

Let AI Give You A Closer Reach

The key to building a successful brand that stands out from the competition is connecting with your audience on a personal level. Branding is about creating relationships by understanding who exactly the audience is, and what they want.

Creating an emotional connection with a brand is powerful, and that can determine whether or not a customer buys from your business. The feelings that consumers have towards a brand often stem from the type of content that a company puts out and whether or not it is relevant to their audience.

AI technology can help marketers collect and analyze loads of consumer data, giving team’s access to accurate information in order to drive their marketing strategies. By using machine-learning technology, these systems gather historical consumer information and translate it into comprehensive datasets for more accurate audience insights. Systems that use this type of big data predictive analytics are twice as likely to identify high-value customers as they are with previous research strategies.


Consumers are more connected with brands than ever these days, thanks to social media and the increasing popularity of online shopping, so building a positive brand with customers is absolutely essential for company growth. AI technology can provide businesses with the exact tools they need in order to take advantage of these opportunities and build stronger customer relationships with every interaction.

By using AI to build a better internal culture, companies can expect better external results. These types of recruiting tools help to identify stronger culture fits and better talent that will build a stronger business from the start. Businesses can rest assured that they know exactly who their customers are thanks to deep, data-based technology that identifies ideal customers. And finally, they will also be able to connect instantly with customers by using chat bots to engage in helpful conversations.

Learn everything you need to know about Artificial Intelligence

#TechManch which is to be held on the 27th and 28th June at Taj Lands End Mumbai and also getting recognized for your work by the industry stalwarts at
#e4mIDMA Indian Digital Marketing Awards 2019