C5. Best Use of User Generated Content

Categories Name : SOCIAL MEDIA

Sub-Category : Best Use of User Generated Content

Entry Name (Campaign) : Democratizing courage in the world’s largest democracy – a Mountain Dew story


- The campaign saw a 34% YOY same-time-period sales growth (August 2022 to February 2023 vis-à-vis August 2021 to February 2022) - 70% higher than the brand’s objective of targeting a 20% YOY national growth
- Mountain Dew’s sales in urban India grew exponentially, growing by 59%. (Almost 100% higher than the 30% growth in urban sales that were targeted)
- The campaign also ensured that now 51% of the brand’s total sales came from urban India as opposed to the earlier 43%. The increase was 300% of their pre-campaign target of 2% increase in mix in urban sales.
- Mountain Dew’s urban: hinterland sales correlation stood at 51:49 ratio than the pre-campaign 43:57.
- 11 billion views of all our digital communication assets across social media – 65% of these were generated from Urban India
- 32000 thousand content pieces generated by content creators which reached 40 million viewers.
- 8.8 million interactions on the MOJ platform with more than 2.5 million user-generated-content pieces tracked online.
- Secured media value worth INR 20 million through organic media stories across lifestyle, entertainment, regional and marketing media.