
Judging Criteria

Achievements and Impact:

This will assess the candidate's tangible accomplishments and the impact they have had in the revenue domain. This will include revenue generation, market share expansion, successful campaigns, client acquisitions, etc.

Innovation and Creativity:

This will evaluate the candidate's ability to innovate and think creatively in revenue generation strategies, approaches to customer engagement, and problem-solving.

Leadership Potential:

Consider the candidate's leadership qualities such as the ability to inspire and motivate teams, lead by example, and drive results.

Adaptability and Resilience:

Jury will look at how the candidate has demonstrated adaptability in the face of challenges, and resilience in overcoming setbacks or failures.

Industry Knowledge and Insight:

This will evaluate the candidate's understanding of the revenue industry, market trends, competitor landscape, and how they leverage this knowledge to drive success.

Potential for Future Growth:

Assess the candidate's potential for future growth and advancement within the revenue industry based on their demonstrated capabilities, ambition, and commitment to professional development.

Overall Impact and Influence:

Evaluate the candidate's overall impact and influence within their organization, industry, and community.