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Judging Criteria

Welcome to the Judging Dashboard of the exchange4media PR and Corp Comm 30 under 30

Screening of Entries:

The 30 under 30 winners are selected by members of the Jury based on various judging parameters for assessing individual and organisations. Jury members will independently inspect each entry and evaluate them based on their respective judging criteria. Those entries that do not fulfil the criteria shall be disqualified. We shall not be liable to give any explanation to anyone for disqualification of entries.

Criterion for Judging:
1. Leadership (25%):

An entry should demonstrate your skills and leadership qualities. Over all approach in achieving set targets, managing crisis, mentoring and empowering each team member in achieving organisation purpose and objectives on on-going basis.

Points to consider:

Leadership skills


2. Accomplishments Statement (25%):

An entry should demonstrate your key achievements in span of your career. Jury shall focus on few elements of unique problem solving skills, awards, growth and contribution in organisation building.

Points to consider:



3. Future Potential (25%):

Jury shall evaluate entry the basis of the details shared, especially future goal plan, vision and contribution in the profession and the industry.

Points to consider:


Organisation growth

Forecasting capabilities

4. Proven Contribution to industry (25%):

Jury will do evaluation on the basis on various factors and information provided by the nominee and the market survey done internally.

Points to consider:

Personal contribution in industry building

Special projects undertaken

Part of any industrial body

*Support with Qualitative and Quantitative data.

Each entry will be put through an evaluation in the pre-jury round against a pre-set criterion for the respective category. The average score arrived by the individual scores for each entry submitted by sub jury members will be considered to shortlist the top entries, which further will be considered by the full Jury. All nominated entries from all categories will be put to discussion by the full Jury and the winner will be chosen through consensus and if required, through voting. If the Jury cannot agree on the winner, the Jury Chair will decide the winners. Entries are to be scored on a scale of 0 to 5 with 0 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest. Point assignment should be based on the following:

0 Doesn't meet requirement of scoring guidelines by any means

1 Below average in meeting scoring guidelines

2 Average in meeting scoring guidelines

3 Slightly above average in meeting scoring guidelines

4 Above average in meeting scoring guidelines

5 Hit a home run in meeting scoring guideline.

Please note that this is the first phase of scoring. On the basis of your scores, we will prepare a shortlist, which will then be presented at the final jury meet. If you require a clarification, please feel free to contact undersigned:

Karan Bhatia: +91 9810467153 | karan.bhatia@exchange4media.com