Summit and Awards 2023

Rules and Regulation for PR and Corp Comm 40 under 40

  • Applicant should be above the age of 20 years as on 31st Dec 2023
  • Professional from the field of PR, Corp Comm and Mar Comm can apply.
  • Multiple nominee of the same company can be nominated
  • All nomination are paid and submitted online
  • All questions with asterisks are mandatory.
  • Deletion & omission of any questions in the form will lead to disqualification.
  • All information furnished should be correct & up to date it is critical for adequate assessment.
  • All answers should be less than 300 words.
  • It is mandatory to share your latest picture not heavier than 2MB


  • Nomination Fee Rs 7000 plus GST
  • Deadline will expire on 29th February 2024

Early Bird Offer:

  • Price: Rs 5000 plus GST
  • Offer end on 24th November 2023

Results will be announced at the event scheduled in June 2024
