Judging Criteria


Award Categories 1.1 – 1.14

It includes any information provided on the site -- text, music, sound, animation, or video. Good content should be engaging, relevant, and appropriate for the audience.

Structure and Navigation
Structure and navigation refers to the framework of a site, the organization of content, the prioritization of information, and the method in which you move through the site. Sites with good structure and navigation are consistent, intuitive, and transparent. They allow you to form a mental model of the information provided: where to find things and what to expect when you click. Good navigation gets you where you want to go quickly and offers easy access to the breadth and depth of the site’s content.

Visual Design
It refers to the appearance of the site. Good visual design is high quality, appropriate and relevant to the audience and the message it is supporting.

It is the use of technology on the site. Good functionality means the site works well. It loads quickly, has live links and any new technology used is functional and relevant for the intended audience. The site should work cross-platform and be browser independent.

Interactivity is the way that a site allows you to perform an action. Good interactivity is more than a rollover or choosing what to click on next; it allows you, as a user, to give and receive. This includes searches, chat rooms, e-commerce, gaming or notification agents, peer-to-peer applications, and real-time feedback.

It takes into consideration whether the idea is new, or merely iterating on a previous idea. Is the work fundamentally different from existing ideas, products or executions?

Overall Experience
It encompasses content, visual design, functionality, interactivity, and structure and navigation and other factors that make one stay or leave, place a bookmark, sign up, forward the site to a friend or come back.

Award Categories 1.15 – 1.27

As per award category


Concept & writing
The strength of the concept and writing being evaluated respective to the category entered. Is the story or concept unique? Is the storytelling or narrative coherent and does it hold your attention? Does the writing have resonance and stay with you long after viewing it? Determining the quality of concept and writing considers all the elements that go into the creative process and how successfully the original idea is communicated.

Quality of CraftT
Determining the quality of craft focuses on the filmmaking process and technical execution. This includes the appearance and quality of the captured image, editing, the sound design and audio integration, the performances, lighting, and all the aspects that account for a memorable viewing experience. This is of course relevant to the category entered.

How well the work is implemented in the medium. Can you fully experience the quality of the work, or are there technical or media-specific issues preventing you from experiencing it to its fullest?

Overall experience
The overall experience encompasses content, structure, visual design, functionality, and interactivity, as well as the intangibles that provoke viewer response. Repeat viewing, visiting and sharing generally indicate a generally positive overall experience.

Award Categories 2.18 – 2.23
As per award category

Apps & Mobile

Award Categories 3.1 – 3.13

It includes any information provided on the site -- text, music, sound, animation, or video. Good content should be engaging, relevant, and appropriate for the audience.

Structure and Navigation
Structure and navigation refer to the framework of a mobile site, the organization of content, the prioritization of information and the method in which you move through the site. Sites with good structure and navigation are consistent, intuitive, and transparent.

Visual Design
Visual design is the appearance of the mobile site. Good visual design is high quality, appropriate, and relevant for the audience and the message it is supporting.

It is the use of technology on the site. Good functionality means the site works well. It loads quickly, has live links and any new technology used is functional and relevant for the intended audience. The site should work cross-platform and be browser independent.

Interactivity is the way that a site allows you to perform an action. Good interactivity is more than a rollover or choosing what to click on next; it allows you, as a user, to give and receive. This includes searches, chat rooms, e-commerce, gaming or notification agents, peer-to-peer applications, and real-time feedback.

It takes into consideration whether the idea is new, or merely iterating on a previous idea. Is the work fundamentally different from existing ideas, products or executions?

Overall experience
It encompasses content, visual design, functionality, interactivity, and structure and navigation and other factors that make one stay or leave, place a bookmark, sign up, forward the site or the app to a friend or come back.

3.14 – 3.19

As per award category