28 November 2024 | Mumbai

Agenda 2024

  • Registration & Networking Coffee
  • Inaugural Address
  • Welcome Address & Opening Remarks
    Understanding Mobile User Behavior

    In this session, we’ll explore the key factors that shape how users interact with mobile devices. You'll gain insights into what drives user decisions, from attention spans and touchpoint preferences to how screen size influences engagement. By examining data and real-world examples, you'll learn how to decode user behavior to create more effective mobile marketing strategies, enhance user experience, and drive better campaign results.

    Unlocking the Potential of Geo-Targeting in Mobile Marketing

    Learn how geo-targeting can make your marketing more effective by reaching people based on where they are. This session will show you how to use location data to send personalized messages, boost engagement, and get the most out of your advertising budget. Find out how to make geo-targeting work for you and see real results in your mobile marketing efforts.

    Winning with ASO

    In this session, we’ll explore the essential strategies to make your app stand out in the crowded app store. We’ll dive into how to choose the right keywords to boost your app’s visibility, craft compelling descriptions that drive downloads, and create eye-catching icons and screenshots that grab attention. You’ll also learn how to leverage user reviews and ratings to build credibility and attract more users. With practical examples and actionable tips, you’ll gain a solid understanding of how to enhance your app’s presence, improve its ranking, and increase its overall success in the app store.

    Embracing M-Commerce: The Rise of a New Frontier in Retail

    This session will explore the rapid growth of m-commerce, driven by technological advancements such as mobile payment solutions and app-based shopping experiences. Attendees will gain insights into how shifting consumer behavior, with a preference for shopping on mobile devices, is influencing retail strategies. The session will discuss the challenges retailers face such as security and app development, and highlight the new opportunities m-commerce presents & discussing the following points:
    - Convenience of Mobile Access
    - Location-Based Services
    - Mobile Wallet Integration
    - Push Notifications
    - App-Based Experiences
    - Enhanced User Interaction
    - Offline Access

    Mobile Gaming Is Stealing the Spotlight

    This session will delve into how brands are increasingly eager to enter the booming mobile gaming sector. With the market projected to reach $6 billion by 2028, companies are integrating their ads into popular mobile games to tap into a vast and diverse audience. As mobile gaming expands, it offers exciting opportunities for innovative and interactive brand experiences, reshaping how businesses engage with consumers.

    The Future of Video Marketing for the On-the-Go Consumer

    This session explores how video marketing strategies will evolve to meet the needs and behaviors of consumers who are constantly mobile and on the move. This topic focuses on emerging trends, technologies, and best practices that will shape the future of video content tailored for mobile and on-the-go audiences. Panelists will talk about how to leverage platforms like Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and Snapchat etc for brand promotion and audience engagement.

    User-Generated Content vs. Brand-Created Content: What's the Ideal Mix?

    This debate will delve into the optimal blend of user-generated content (UGC) and brand-created content for effective marketing.
    - Authenticity and Engagement: UGC can enhance trust and relatability by showcasing genuine consumer experiences and opinions, which often resonate more with audiences.
    - Control and Quality: Brand-created content ensures consistent messaging and maintains high quality, aligning closely with strategic goals and brand image.
    - Impact on Brand Perception: Discuss how UGC and brand-created content differently influence brand credibility and consumer relationships.
    - Balancing the Mix: Explore strategies for integrating UGC with professionally crafted content to maximize engagement while maintaining brand integrity.
    - Strategic Integration: Explore best practices for blending UGC and brand-created content to enhance overall marketing effectiveness and align with brand goals.

    The session will provide insights into leveraging both types of content to create a cohesive and impactful marketing strategy.

    The Power of Personalization in the Years Ahead

    This session will explore how personalization will continue to transform mobile marketing in the coming years. As consumer expectations for tailored experiences grow, personalization is becoming a key driver of engagement and loyalty. We will discuss how leveraging data and advanced technologies can enhance customer interactions, deliver more relevant content, and ultimately drive business success. By examining future trends and emerging tools, attendees will gain insights into how to harness the power of personalization to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape.