e4m PR Master class

exchange4media works holistically for the development of the PR & Corp Comm industry. Following the vision, In line with this vision, we are excited to introduce our latest transformative initiative: the e4m PR & Corporate Communication Masterclass, which is specially designed for students, aspiring professionals, and young turks in the field.

This initiative isn't the traditional classroom-based classes, instead this initiative will bridge the gap between the industry leading practitioners and the students who wish to enter the industry. Through a series of keynote sessions and panel discussions, renowned experts and industry veterans will engage with students, offering insights into the industry's real-world dynamics, evolving demands, career opportunities, and its past, present, and future. It will provide an invaluable opportunity for emerging professionals to gain firsthand knowledge, guidance, and inspiration from the best in the business.


Abhishek Gulyani
Managing Director, India and Head of Corporate Affairs, Asia Pacific
Abhi Mahapatra
Independent Consultant
Aman Abbas
Founder & CEO
Aman Dhall
Anindita Mookherjee Sinha
Head GCC Client Communications
Garima Sharma Nijhawan
Ashwani Singla
Founding Managing Partner
NS Rajan
Pooja Pathak
Founder and Director


Ritika Upmanyu


e4m PR & Corp Comm Masterclass
Description Name Topic Time
Masterclass 1 Abhishek Gulyani, Managing Director, India and Head of Corporate Affairs, Asia Pacific, Zeno Group 2:00PM - 2:40PM
SESSION 1 Aman Dhall, Founder, CommsCredible
Aman Abbas, Founder & CEO, Commwiser
Garima Sharma Nijhawan, Founder, Oathenticity
Moderator: Ritika Upmanyu, exchange4media
How to land your first job in the PR & Communications industry 2:20PM - 3:00PM
SESSION 2 Abhi Mahapatra, Independent Consultant
Anindita Mookerjee Sinha, Head GCC Client Communication, EY
Pooja Pathak, Founder and Director, Media Mantra
Moderator: Ritika Upmanyu, exchange4media
How emerging professionals can balance and leverage AI & Automation 3:00PM - 3:40PM
Masterclass 2 NS Rajan, Chairman, August One Partners LLP Overview of Crisis communications 3:40PM - 4:00PM
Masterclass 3 Ashwani Singla, Founding Managing Partner, Astrum 21st-Century Communicator 4:00PM-4:20PM